Recently scientist has found that mango's maybe the antidote to stopping cancer dead in its tracks. This new discovery falls directly under the medicine field, even though a mango is not medicine it's is becoming a big improvement in the medicinefuture. There has never been a cure for cancer, and the mango is not "the cure" for cancer but will stop the cancer as fast as it started.
Global warming is brutally effecting the world as we know it. Global warming is the increase of the temperature in the earths atmosphere. Global warming would defiantly fall under the environment field, because it is happening to the earth which is every ones environment. If global warming succeeds in heating up the earth I know for a fact that we will no longer be able to live on this earth, the temperature will be way too high. Everyone should care about global warming because it will effect us all in some kind of way whether we realize it or not. Scientist have found that polar bears are the first victims of global warming. The ice in the Arctic Ocean is starting to melt due to the rise of the temperature. The polar bears are dying off, and drowning because the have no more ice to climb on.
Project Description: We had to paint something that represented our government on the pillar.
Process: We had to find a image, make a rough draft, get it approved, and then paint it on the pillar.
Reflection: I learned how about a new religion, and different customs.
I had to find a image that portrayed Inca government, and that was really difficult because it's an ancient civilization.
I would keep the same image but paint it differently because i didn't like the way i painted it. Next time I will work harder on the artistic point and not rush.
One of my academic goals for this semester would be turning my work in on time, so I can keep my grades up.
Another one of my academic goals would be studying for test not just the night/day before the test but all though the week, so the information can sink in.
The last academic goal for this semester would be paying attention during math lessons, and taking down all the notes in my brain book so I can look back on it if I need to.
Project Description:The time travelers project was basically we had to send a object (boat, weapon, or water system back) in time to help an ancient civilization. So we had to right a research paper about the the civilization that we were assigned.
Process: When we had to write our research paper about the civilization we participated in drafting in revision process which really made the final product the best it could possibly be.
Reflection: I learned all about the Inca civilization, and how to transition into different topics, and paragraphs.
It was very difficult for me to insert a thesis into my first paragraph, because I could not figure out how to make it fit into the paragraph. If I could I would change how I started off the first paragraph differently, because it wasn't as strong as it could of been.